Monday, May 16, 2011

Has spring finally arrived?

Last week I needed to drive to northern Kansas for work, and my route took me through the rolling hills of the prairie.  In Kansas, farmers and ranchers burn off their pastures in the early spring, and for a short time the ground is black and charred.  However, after just a few days, new bright green grass begins to emerge, which I'm told makes for fatter cattle!  It also makes for a beautiful landscape, and last week was the perfect time to witness this.  The gentle hills are covered now in stunning bright green grass, and one pastoral scene followed another.  I definitely need to get out more! 

So, my jewelry choice for this week is "Time for Spring" earrings -- long hoops with bright green seed beads in the color of new grass!
Time for Spring

Monday, May 9, 2011


What a weekend!  My Sweet Adelines chorus had our first Spring Fling, Bling, and Sing event which included a scrumptious lunch (I will post the chicken salad recipe when I get it -- it was terrific), favors of homemade marshmallows in pastel colors with matching cupcakes, all followed by a fashion show from CJ Banks and Christopher and Banks.  Of course, there was singing by the chorus and shopping with HCI Fundraising.  All in all, a very fun afternoon!

This was followed by another scrumptious lunch at Red Lobster with my husband, mother-in-law, and two of her friend in honor of Mother's Day.  My Weight-Watchers plan suffered horribly this weekend, so I am back off the "gravy train" for the workweek.

Here is my featured piece of jewelry for this week: Celtic Inspired Earrings of silver plated wire -- light, delicate, versatile

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Today I am honoring my sister Lori, who not only raised lots of money, but also walked the entire 39 mile route at the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Washington DC this past weekend.  She walked in honor of her many friends and relatives, including our sister Sue and myself, who have been diagnosed and treated for breast cancer.  She said we are her heroes -- but she is mine!  Thank you, Lori, and all the others who have raised money, and blisters, for this cause!