Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Keepin' On

Last week I received some aluminum wire I had ordered and I was anxious to try it out.  Since it was 16g, I thought it would be good for a pin -- and I think it was!  However, my fingers were totally black from working with the wire, which was very tarnished.  It took a lot of polishing, but here is what I came
 up with:

Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday again...

Good morning!  It is a beautiful spring day here in Kansas. I'm back at work and recovering from a busy two-day show, the annual Tulip Festival in my home of Wamego, KS.  What a wonderful turnout -- of course, the great weather had a lot to do with that!  I had my Bright Ideas Jewelry booth there, and did pretty well.  Also got some new ideas and great tips from other vendors about supplies (checking out Trimline and KD canopies), doing shows out of state (how to deal with the sales tax thing), and tips for easy packing/unpacking of supplies (working on a "fold-up" necklace display).
Have a wonderful week!