Friday, January 25, 2013

Unique Thinking

It was a great short work week (thanks Dr. King).  I attended a workforce conference on Wednesday and Thursday as part of my Monday-Friday job. One of the speakers, whose topic was "innovation," was particularly interesting.  He was speaking more in terms of corporate innovation (think "Apple") but I found myself trying to apply some of his points to my small but satisfying jewelry business.

One of his main points focused on being "unique."  "If you're not unique, you had better be cheap!"  What he was saying (I think) is that the buying public seeks and appreciates things that are unique, and they will pay for it.  Look at the success of Lady Gaga, for example -- she is definitely unique and her uniqueness commands a large audience.

However, just being "out there" isn't the way to go, either.  Companies must find a way to be MEANINGFULLY unique.  A couple examples: Tide detergent has created "pods" to make laundry day easier (unique among its competitors and meaningful to consumers); Apple created the iPad (probably don't need to explain this one).

So, how does this translate to my little jewelry business?  I think it means I need to do my best to keep up with the design trends in the jewelry world.  Better yet, I should be creating the trends with unique designs that buyers will find meaningful.  I'm not quite sure how I will do that, but it is something I will ponder for a while.

Here are two necklaces (unique, I hope -- although I refrain from using that word to describe my jewelry -- everyone thinks their things are unique!) that I created last weekend.

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